This Stern: Pirates of the Caribbean pinball machine that I found over the weekend was the most disgustingly dirty machine that I have ever walked up on. The joke was made that it was a new after market modification for this machine, "Black Beach Sand" for the Pirates/ Water/ Caribbean theme to be enhanced.
No, it did not stop the pinball machine from being played, but it makes one wonder when was the last time that this machine was look at by the owner or operator, not alone cleaned. The grimly “sand” is coming from some place….. usually in this case, from the black rubber rings through out the playfield wearing out from normal play over time and just simply need to be changed out with
fresh ones. When I say over time, I am meaning years of continue play. Then, pennies start costing dollars, when the black rebound rubber rings that costs .35 cents breaks and pinball machine goes down and can not operate. So, how many dollars could that translate into? A pinball machine in this kind of condition does not operate and play up to the true design characteristics of the machine and it will rob you of a desired quality play. To a regular player this is not a big deal, just don’t put you money in, but to an inexperienced beginning player this situation could lead to that person walking away saying, “that was waste of my time & money!” As the Pinball enthusiasts’ ranks dwindle and are forced into the private home arcade and game rooms, the owners of the location, ops and existing players need to be ever concerned and vigilant to recruit and energize a new source of players. Just keeping the pinball machines, to be found, in good shape will definitely assist.
Viva la pinball machine!
If you ever have any questions, information or comments, post them here.
Have Fun,